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CBODN 'In The Know' Book Discussion - "Scaling Leadership"

  • 09 Oct 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • In-person and virtual, you choose


Registration is closed

CBODN 'In The Know' Book Discussion

Topic: Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most by Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams

Description: This session is an interactive discussion around the key principles and applications of “The Art of Quiet Influence.”

Scaling Leadership provides a proven framework for magnifying agile and scalable leadership in your organization. Scalable leadership drives forward-momentum by multiplying high-achieving leaders at scale so that growth, productivity and innovation increase exponentially. Creative leaders multiply their strengths beyond technical competence by leading in deep relationship, with radical humanity, passion and integrity.

Drawing upon decades of solid research and experience enhancing individual capability and collective leadership effectiveness with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, the authors provide an innovative and efficient framework to help you:

- Take stock of your own personal balance of leadership strengths and weaknesses

- Scale your leadership in deep relationship and high integrity

- Proliferate high-achievers throughout your organization’s leadership system

- Identify ineffective leadership and course-correct quickly

- Transform your organization by transforming leadership

Scaling Leadership is an invaluable tool for executives, managers, and leaders in business, academia, nonprofit organizations, and more. This innovative resource provides effective techniques, real-world examples, and expert guidance for organizations seeking to improve performance, align and execute strategies, and transform their business with scalable leadership capability.

Facilitator: Ian Cook

Bio: Ian is a professional facilitator and executive coach. Since founding his company, Fulcrum Associates, back in 1988, he has worked with managers in over 250 associations, small business, government, and not-for-profit organizations.

He is a Certified Speaking Professional, has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill and, from Cornell, a Master of Industrial and Labor Relations. In addition, he has been a lecturer at Ryerson University’s Faculty of Business and earned the 3-year Diploma in Gestalt Theory and Methodology from the Gestalt Institute of Toronto.

Ian channels his volunteer energies through the community leadership organization, Leadership Fairfax Inc. where he has served on the Board of Directors, chaired their Program Committee, and is currently a member of Faculty.

Ian and his wife Linda, dual citizens of both the US and Canada, moved from Toronto to Vienna in 1998.

Source: Amazon.com 

CoP Leader:

Laura Mendelow 



**Registration required in advance to ensure sufficient seating, and to help us design the best experience for a blend of in-person and on-line participation.  (It will ask whether you intend to be in-person or virtual).  Thank You!

In-Person Venue:  Insperity | 7950 Jones Branch Drive | McLean, VA 22102

Virtual Participation:  Zoom link and/or dial-in info is included in the registration confirmation email.

Cancellation Policy: Event follows federal Office of Personnel Management policy and decisions.  If federal government is closed, event will be canceled. 

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Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) is the premier DC Metro area network for organization development (OD) practitioners. Founded in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, our name pays homage to those elders who made vital contributions to the field of OD.


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