Engage with one another, develop knowledge and skills, share expertise, and contribute to our community.


Stay tuned for information about future sessions.

CBODN'S mentoring program for professionals coming into and expanding their practices within the field of OD is in full swing this fall.  This program is designed to provide a mentoring experience for CBODN members and non-members that is enriching and educational for all involved.  

About the Program:   

  • Group mentoring involves 3-5 people working together with a mentor on topics of interest to the mentees. 
  • The mentees’ role is to contribute to the questions and content that the group will cover. 
  • The mentor’s role is to hold space for the group’s conversation, ensuring the experience is inclusive and allows for active participation by all. 
  • Each group aims to meet every other week, 5 times over 10 weeks. 
  • Topics are generated by the group’s participants, including offers to share with the group and requests for knowledge or information. Every individual participating in a group will serve as a source of knowledge and support to the group as a whole, and not just the person in the mentor role. 
  • Each group creates its own contract around confidentiality and sharing of each other’s contact information.
  • The program will conclude with a feedback request in hopes of improving future rounds of this work! 


    For more information, or if you’d like to volunteer as a mentor, please contact Melissa George Kessler at admin@cbodn.org.

    Who We Are

    Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) is the premier DC Metro area network for organization development (OD) practitioners. Founded in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, our name pays homage to those elders who made vital contributions to the field of OD.


    Connect with CBODN

    • 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005
    • (202) 630-6663
    • admin@cbodn.org
    © 2024 Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network
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