DC Area OD Practitioners CoP
Topic: Coaching and Organizational Development: What Is the Relationship?
(Registration is full as of 3/25/19. To be added to the wait list, please contact Mark Sachs.)
Description: Coaching started with a focus on developing individual leaders, and has expanded in recent years to working with teams. As such, some coaches are doing OD work and many OD practitioners have added coaching to their client offerings. Certainly, coaches can benefit from learning OD, but what might OD practitioners learn from coaching?
Coach training often explicitly focuses on being fully present, open, curious and “not-knowing” with clients. OD programs nibble around the edges with concepts like Use of Self and being Here and Now, but may not provide the type of intense practice to embody these ways of being.
What’s in It for you?
Leave this session with:
- More questions about this topic than you came in with
- Greater capacity to hold the space
- A felt experience of connection
- What your practitioner “growth edge” is
Penny Potter and Stephan Dix are both coaches and OD practitioners. Penny became a coach then became an OD practitioner, while Stephan was an OD practitioner who then became a coach. Join them in a lively discussion and hands-on practice to explore new ways of being open, curious, and not-knowing.
Presenters: Penny Potter, PhD and Stephan Dix, M.SC., CTI Coach
Penny: Since becoming a coach, Penny has been fascinated by the often dramatic transformations that most coaching students experience -- no matter what program they attend. This phenomenon was her core research area and as an instructor in George Mason University’s coaching program, she is able to witness firsthand the predictable pattern of students’ transformations. She has come to believe that this way of being with others touches what is truly human in all of us, and is fundamental for organizations to thrive in the future. Penny’s upcoming book, Becoming a Coach, is for coaching students and graduates to understand, through an even mix of theory and story, their own growth and development experiences and those of their clients.
Penny completed her coach training at Georgetown University in 2006, and received a M.S. in Organizational Development and Knowledge Management from George Mason University in 2008. She completed her doctorate in human and organizational systems at Fielding Graduate University in 2016.
Stephan: For 25 years Stephan has supported leaders and their teams to create lasting systemic organizational development change. He accomplishes this by improving both formal and informal processes, systems, and organizational structures to achieve desired public, private, and non-profit organizational objectives and build management capacity. Stephan’s work has taken him to countries around the world from the South Pacific to the Middle East and Asia. His most recent assignment was in Haiti, where he developed a system and process to enlist Haitians villagers to educate their own communities about mitigating the spread of the Zika virus. Since 2003 he has used a focused inquiry coaching approach that assists clients to think more clearly, gain increased perspective, and focus more effectively on achieving work objectives.
Stephan holds a M.Sc. degree in Development Management from The American University 1990, Certificates in Organizational Development, Change Management and Adult Training Skills from Georgetown University 1999, and Career and Life Coaching Certificate from the Coaches Training Institute 2003. His PCC coaching credential is pending ICF review.
CoP Leader: Mark Sachs, ma.sachs@verizon.net
Mark has been an OD consultant and executive coach for more than 20 years. He enjoys seeing his clients and their organizations take steps to change, and when they are successful it gives him great pleasure. He earned his MS in OD from the American University/NTL Institute and MA and BA degrees in Sociology from Rutgers University. He is an International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach (PCC).
Cancellation Policy: Registrants should contact Mark if they need to cancel. Due to the room size, registrations will be limited so please contact Mark soonest if you register but are then unable to attend so others can register and attend instead.
Additional Notes: A $5.00 per person contribution is requested to help pay for rental of the room.