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Richmond SIG - August 2011

  • 08 Aug 2011
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Tuckahoe Library in the down stairs conference room at 901 Starling Drive Henrico, VA 23229-4564


Registration is closed

Richmond SIG:


The August 8 program will focus on the theme of managing change and transition, your own and/or your clients. One of the benefits of this exploration is the freeing up new possibilities for professional and organizational success. Often, we first have to acknowledge "what is" before we are ready to see the opportunities hidden within the change process.

Not infrequently, when someone raises a professional challenge, we find at a deeper level a family of origin dynamic that needs to be addressed. Organizational work is usually less personal in that sense and more focused on the relationship dynamics between groups, things or ideas as well as individuals. Affirming the purpose of the organization generally has a unifying affect that brings the conflicting forces together.

Bring your workplace challenges and your dreams and goals for yourself and/or your organization to the workshop. This Spring meeting offers another opportunity to more boldly support our clients and ourselves in the process of change and renewal.

Here is a comment from a participant in a recent workshop:
Thank you so much for invitation to OC workshop and facilitating a very powerful constellation for me. I feel very liberated and empowered by the experience and gained a lot of insight from observing and participating in constellation of other people in the group.

Speaker: Harrison Snow

Your presenter, Harrison Snow, has been an independent consultant in the field of organizational development and training for over 20 years. During that time he has facilitated groups in 23 different countries. He has found the constellation process to be a useful methodology in both team and individual coaching. His web site is www.teambuildingassociates.com

SIG Leader:  Suzanne Owens (owens.s.org.dev@gmail.com |  804-239-7939)

SIG Description: This group is for those OD professionals in the Richmond, Virginia area.  

Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Venue: Tuckahoe Library in the down stairs conference room at 901 Starling Drive Henrico, VA 23229-4564

Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your reservation for this event, please contact the SIG leader Sue Owens to notify her of that change.


Who We Are

Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) is the premier DC Metro area network for organization development (OD) practitioners. Founded in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, our name pays homage to those elders who made vital contributions to the field of OD.


Connect with CBODN

  • 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005
  • (202) 630-6663
  • admin@cbodn.org
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