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DC Area OD Practitioners CoP - Change Adoption – Tempest in a Teacup or Maelstrom In The Open Sea

  • 01 May 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom link and password will be included in the registration confirmation email



Change Adoption – Tempest in a Teacup or Maelstrom In The Open Sea

Every person has their own unique relationship with change.  The variables that may influence this relationship are many.  The endless combination of variables means there is no "one size fits all" for overcoming a person's resistance to change.  

Using some of the most important theories of individual change as our guide, we will explore more common causes of change resistance and discuss frameworks to help us better recognize where a person is in their relationship to change so that we can better adapt to meet where they are. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Examine Diffusion of Innovation Theory's core construct.
    • Discuss the Transtheoretical Model and its relevant sub-processes.
    • Explore Motivational Interviewing to overcome change resistance.

    Presenter: Max Palomeque

    Max is an accomplished executive coach and facilitator with over 2,200 hours experience. He has worked with over 80 teams and 450 leaders engaged with real world high-stakes problems.

    Max's experience in volatile and sensitive environments coupled with his ability to resonate with clients of diverse backgrounds and experiences has made him sought after for clients who are resistant or even hostile to coaching and change. His clients include the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Rockefeller Capital Management, Aquila Capital Investments, and Mas’panadas.

    Max has an MBA from Georgetown University. He served as a US Air Force Intelligence officer and special agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He is author of the Amazon best-seller, The Infourge Compendium of Models and Theories for Coaches, Facilitators, and Consultants.

    Who We Are

    Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) is the premier DC Metro area network for organization development (OD) practitioners. Founded in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, our name pays homage to those elders who made vital contributions to the field of OD.


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    • 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005
    • (202) 630-6663
    • admin@cbodn.org
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