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DC Area OD Practitioners CoP - Setting Effective Boundaries and Limits With Ourselves and Others

  • 05 Jun 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom link and password will be included in the registration confirmation email



Setting Effective Boundaries and Limits With Ourselves and Others

In both our work and personal lives, we may have difficulty setting boundaries and limits. Setting strong, clear and healthy boundaries can increase our effectiveness in getting needs met, maintaining self-respect, and taking better care of ourselves. They may also help organizations be more effective. When they are set well they can take a lot of worry off our and others shoulders.

    This session will help you increase understanding about:

    • What is a boundary?
    • Why it may be difficult to set them.
    • Examples of setting them effectively.
    • What you may do to successfully set them.

    In breakout groups you will have an opportunity to talk with others so they can learn from you and you can learn from them.

    Presenter: Mark Sachs

    Mark is an OD consultant and executive coach who for many years has helped organizations and their people be more successful.  He is excited to see them get greater awareness and take steps to be effective. 

    Mark has a B.A. and M.A. in Sociology from Rutgers University and an M.S. in Organization Development from American University.  He is an International Coaching Federation Professional Certified coach (PCC).  You can find more about him and his work at www.markasachs.com

    Also, he has been the organizer of the CBODN OD consultants Community of Practice for 14 years.   


    Who We Are

    Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) is the premier DC Metro area network for organization development (OD) practitioners. Founded in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, our name pays homage to those elders who made vital contributions to the field of OD.


    Connect with CBODN

    • 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005
    • (202) 630-6663
    • admin@cbodn.org
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